Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reason #2 why I need to live in the same location as my husband

So I don't have to hear these incredibly sad but cute statements from Carter anymore: (while driving in the car and pointing to the sky)
Carter: hi daddy
Me: where's daddy?
Carter: in the airplane, hi daddy
Me: daddy's in the airplane?
Carter: yes. he's going to work in Louisiana (you gotta hear him say Louisiana!!)
Me: that's right but he'll be home soon
Carter: come home soon daddy, i miss you...don't get lost (as he waves goodbye)

*breaks my heart everytime*


Emily said...

ohhh, heartbreaking! but still pretty cute.

Val said...

So sad! I remember when Jon was working in Utah last year while we were in Idaho and the day he left I was driving Claire to preschool at that song by Lonestar "I'm already there" came on and I totally lost it. Don't listen to that song!

Jen said...

oooh my nose got all tingly and my eyes teared up with that one. :( It'll be over soon, little buddy!!!

Em said...

Man, it must be so hard having him away- especially seeing Carter so sad & missing his dad.

E gets dressed in his scrubs at night, grabs his backpack and tells me he's going to work to find Dad...
(Totally not the same situation, I know).

Spencer and Marlee said...

That would be hard!!! At least he still remembers him... What a cutie Carter is.

Sheryl said...

One day at a time! :)

Stef said...

Awww... too precious! It'll be over before you know it!

Jessica said...

I cried the first time he said it too.

Isn't is so cute when they want to be like their daddy's Em?!