Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Remember when I mentioned I would be sad if my house burned down because I had a new makeover in one of my rooms? Well, as of yesterday, now I have two makeovers so I would be twice as sad if my house burned down.

My sister Wendy came over yesterday to help me paint my family room. This half wall was white and then the kitchen/family room was a light yellow. I have never liked having the half wall white because it gets so dirty but never knew what to do since one side of the wall was a light tan and the other side was yellow. So I picked out a darker tan color than what's in the living room and painted the half wall and the family room/kitchen area the same color. I really love how it turned out. Thanks for the help Wendy! With a little hard work and some spilled salsa, I'd say we did pretty well.
My next makeover was my laundry room. We have been in desperate need of a new washer for quite a while now. I have also been wanting a freezer for a few years but didn't want to put it in the garage. Walking through Home Depot a couple weeks ago I saw these stackable washer/dryer sets and a lightbulb went off! If we got the stackable set we could fit a freezer in the laundry room too!! Major space saver, and I even had 13 inches left over to put some shelving in. I am absolutely loving this set up. And the best part is, I almost forget that I hate doing laundry because when the cycle is done, instead of an obnoxious buzzing noise, there is a delightful chime, making me feel happy that it is time to go and get the laundry!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

don't burn the house down, kids [read Sean]

Mental note: when leaving a husband who has not slept for 20 hours with the kids, while you go have fun at your Super Saturday, remind him to not bake cookies. He just might fall asleep for a minute or two and forget that he had them in the oven. It might be a good precaution, just so the house won't burn down, cause I kinda like my house {especially after a new makeover in one of the rooms!} .

post-edit: just to clarify, the house did not burn down. we just had some really burnt cookies!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

U2 concert

We went to the U2 concert on Tuesday night with my sister Wendy, and her husband Steve. I haven't been to a concert since 1998 when I saw Boyz II Men!! Sean has been to several since we have been married but we have never gone together. Our tickets were in a suite and it was so much fun! Black Eyed Peas were the opening act and I LOVE them. It was fun to dance (even though I couldn't get anyone else to dance with me!) to the songs. And U2 was AWESOME, of course.

Thanks for the fun night guys!
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

I heart Superman.

Superman stopped by to help make applesauce. He's a nice guy. I hope he flies in tomorrow when I am cleaning.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Reason #7 why I need to live in the same location as my husband

Nights like tonight.

I got home at 6:30 from work/picking up Carter. Sean had an early night and was home at 6:15. When I picked Carter up he was *literally* screaming that his stomach hurt. In the car he fell asleep. When we got home he woke up and was crying again about his stomach and I wasn't able to console him. I got him to lay on my bed and was trying to take care of him and get dinner finished. I try to have dinner ready for Sean right when he comes home because he works on average 15 hours a day. Seriously. He has only had 4 days off in the 5 weeks he has been home. I don't know how he is functioning, he works CRazy hours. It's still kinda like he is in Louisiana because we don't get to see him much, Carter is asleep most nights before Sean gets home. But I'll take seeing him 1-2 hours a night over none at all. But back to the story, (remember, I am trying to clean, finish dinner, and take care of a crying child). Sean came in and told me to just focus on Carter and that he would finish dinner and clean the kitchen (it was a disaster). I was finally able to console Carter and came out to a nice clean kitchen with dinner ready.

I would highly recommend looking into arranging the same living location as your spouse if you haven't already.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i love the fall because...

*i don't have to go running outside at 5am to beat the heat
*i have to put a jacket on in the morning because it is 60 degrees outside
*i can decorate my house for halloween
*i can eat apples and carmel dip (YUM)
*we get to play outside all day long

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Old and the Beautiful

I posted them in reverse order, but you get the idea. After sitting in the hot sun for 5 years, our swing needed some serious TLC. My mom had this extra material at her house and I gladly took it and spruced up the swing a bit. I think I will add a couple pillows to it?

Our shower faucet began leaking at the beginning of the year. But remember how I have been husbandless for the first 8 months of the year? So it continued to leak and it became corroded and just gross. We got a new one and had it installed today. I absolutely LOVE it!
That's just gross.