Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brain Teaser

We got this in Sunday School today. Can you figure out what they mean?

1.  26=L. of the A.
2.  7=W. of W.
3.  9=P. in the S.S.
4.  88=P.K.
5.  32=D.F. at which W. F.
6.  90=D. in a R. A.
7.  24=H. in a D.
8. 18=H. on a G.C.
9.  13=S. on the A.F


Emily said...

hmmm, let me see...
1. letters of the alphabet
2. wonders of the world
3. planets in the solar system (?)
4. piano keys
5. degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes
6. degrees in a right angle (this one took me FOREVER)
7. hours in a day
8. holes on a golf course
9. stripes on the american flag

Jessica said...

holy cow man!!! did you cheat??

Emily said...

no, but some of them did take me a while. i get 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, and 9 right away.

by the way, how would i cheat? i don't have the answers, you do!

Jessica said...

i don't know---maybe you looked it up on the internet? you're crafty that way!!!

or maybe i'm just dumb because i only got like 2 of them!

christina said...

Whoa Em - you're one smart cookie! I got most of them, but could not ever figure out #4.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, that was cool...printing it out to use later! :P Go Emily!!