Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Random Sampler

*I really love this jacket that Carter is wearing
*I wish I knew more about photography
*We had a really fun 4th of July weekend in Sierra Vista with my brother and his wife, and my other family members that went down there. I am too lazy to do a separate post about it; it was the BEST fireworks show we have EVER seen.
*Carter has an ear-infection; from Friday to Monday we got 12 hours of sleep.
*Carter has to stop swim lessons because of his ear infection :(
*Why is it when you bend the rules for someone, they totally take advantage of it? (my training sessions our limited to 15, a school asked to have 20 and promised they would have no more than that. I show up to a group of 35. Ridiculous)
*I'm very nervous about my triathlon this weekend
*I am doing really well on building up our 3 month food supply and am very excited about it
*I am reading two VERY boring books for work to improve my abilities in my profession
*My phone broke last Friday and I have been DYING without it. I think it got water damaged.
*I think Carter says "Mama" about 900 times a day.
*I could really go for some ice cream right now but am going to go to bed instead


Naughty Newbee's said...

I can't believe how big Carter is getting he is so cute!!

Val said...

Wow, I agree with or can relate to just about everything you said!

christina said...

Love the middle picture of Carter, too cute!

Em said...

Hope Carter is feeling better soon!

I've been feeling the same sentiments on photography, food storage, and ice cream. (Have you noticed Dryers shrank their ice cream container and is now charging MORE)?

Andrea J said...

Good luck w/ your triathlon! I need to follow your example.

Emily said...

so sorry about the ear infection (and your phone! yikes!). i feel the same way about photography, and i wish i were getting anywhere near food storage. it scares me.

em, I NOTICED! it makes me MAD!

jess, my triathlon is this weekend too. too bad i'm not doing it in lieu of my 10 year reunion. sad. good luck on yours!

Jessica said...

I've noticed the ice cream thing too...I was so mad when I first saw it!!! Have fun at your reunion Emily!

Karin said...

I didn't know you were into triathlons. I did the Litchfield Park Sprint tri. It was so fun. We'll have to get together soon and talk about it. Fun stuff!