Monday, October 15, 2007

Who loves Nursery?

I love nursery! But more importantly...Carter loves nursery! Yesterday was his first time going (by himself) and he loved it! I almost forgot what it was like to be able to sit through Sunday School AND Relief Society AND actually be able to listen!!!


Emily said...

sooo exciting. the first day of nursery is like the happiest day of my life. it's even better when they actually LIKE going and you don't have to sit with them while they cry for 2 hours.

Val said...

What a momentous occasion! Did he like it? Just 6 more months and Ella will be there, too!

Em said...

Yeah for Carter and Nursery. Next week is our turn and I can barely wait.

Nana said...

I remember when you went to nursey Jessica--I thought you were so grown up and I was excited also since Spencer was due in a few months..but the next week I was called to be the nursey leader..short lived vacation. Actually I enjoyed the calling and in a few months I had both you and Spencer in there with me. I was released about two years later...and of course by then Spencer was so used to me being there that he didn't want to go in without me--what a battles that was for awhile.

Andrea J said...

What a great day! I think 9 months to 18 months is a trial at church. I was very happy to get out of the hallway and back into a class or two.

russandkatie said...

I remember Reeslyn's first day of nursery, I couldn't concentrate on the Relief Society lesson at all! I just kept thinking about how much I missed her. Isn't it funny how we are so excited for them to get to go and then the day comes...