Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Fun

Carter had lots of fun today playing in his pool and mowing the yard. We were out there for 2 hours! This kid sure loves to be outside. We bought the pool today and he was so excited. I picked out a couple different pools at first but kept Carter kept saying no. Then when I showed him this pool he shouted Yes! (he's not spoiled at all). The rest of the time we were in the store, anyone we passed, Carter would say, "Hi, my pool" while pointing at his new pool. He is definitely a water baby!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

We're back...

Sean and I just got back on Sunday from our week long cruise to the Mexican Riviera. It was the most relaxing vacation ever and very much needed. We were very lucky to have my sister Wendy and her family watch Carter for us. You can read about their experience with Carter here. I cried when I dropped Carter off at Wendy's. I cried on the cruise ship at the sight of the first two year old I saw--but when I saw a two year old the next day throwing a fit and the parents not knowing what to do, I smiled to myself as I lay on the lounge chair reading my book! Wendy forgot to mention on her blog that she practically had Carter potty trained by the time we came home!! Once before we left he asked to go potty on his own--took off his diaper, and actually went pee. I thought it was just a fluke. Well, apparently not! This last week he asked several times to go potty and even said he had to go "poops" and did it on the toilet. I couldn't believe it when I heard it. But sure enough when we went to pick up Carter--he said "poops" we went to the bathroom and he did his business. Then later he peed on the sliding glass door before I had his diaper back on so I'm not sure he's there yet but he's made some huge progress this week! Here are some of my favorite pics from our trip. 
The pictures are in reverse order of our trip--but get over it...I am still recovering from being gone and am very tired!! I didn't feel like taking the time to change it around. 

We had a very talented person cleaning our room--each night we were surprised with a new towel creation. This was our favorite! Not quite sure what it is though?
Our last night on the cruise--beautiful sunset.
Cabo San Lucas---our favorite stop on the cruise.

Sean parasailing in Mazatlan.

In Mazatlan--this is the restaurant with the awesome beans!!
The Carnival Pride baby! Highlights of the trip: laying out, going to the sauna each morning, taking some cycling classes, laying out on the beach, laughing at people in the Karoke Bar, the lobster dinner, the beans at the restaurant in Mazatlan, getting a massage on the ship, watching Sean touch the hand rail with a sign that clearly said "Don't touch, Wet Paint!" and then seeing the very next guy do the same thing!, hearing, "Oh Sorry Sir!" when the guy who came into clean our room saw Sean naked!!!, all you can eat ice cream cones, taking naps during the middle of the day, and spending time with Sean. 
On our first stop in Puerta Vallarta we went on an excursion to a private island for snorkeling, kyaking, lunch on the beach and fun with the monkeys and parrots.

Checking Out our room
Our First day on the cruise

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rocky Point Triathlon Race Report

below: about to start the swim top right: running towards the finish line middle: before the race trying to calm down my nerves--I'm in the middle of the group of people smiling. I did it! This was my fourth triathlon but I found myself very nervous a few days before the race and the intensity of this feeling only grew as I found myself walking into the ocean Saturday morning to start the swim. Would I be able to swim in the open water? I had only been training in a pool. Would I have to stop and take a break during the swim?The recent reports of shark attacks in triathlons had me wondering why I had signed up to do this. Before I started I prayed that I wouldn't be bitten by a shark, stung by a jellyfish, or stung by a stingray (after the race they announced that out of the 900+ people who participated--5 had been stung by a stingray. Luckily I wasn't one of them). I didn't have to stop during the swim and felt good about how I did. I made my way up the sand hill to the bikes and headed off on the trail. I felt really good--averaging a pace that was faster than during my training. At mile 7, I felt something hit my leg, I looked down and saw that my water bottle holder was coming off. I grabbed the bottle before it fell, took one last chug and chucked it to the side of the road. I was coming to a downhill section that had a huge speed bump on it that I had to slow down for. There was no way I could hit the brakes with the water bottle in my hand too. I finished the biking (so I thought!) and dismounted as I saw the girl in front of me dismount. Big mistake---I was not quite to the point where I should have dismounted. It would've taken too long to get back on my bike, clip my shoes in, and get going again, so I just grabbed my bike and started running. Now it was time for the run. And boy was it hard--lots of hills. But I had my GPS watch (this was the first time I was able to use this in a race) and I had it set to show me what my pace was. I wanted to stay below a 9 minute mile. I did just that. I slowed down a little on the uphills but was able to make up for that going down. The last part of the race was in the sand to cross the finish line. I pushed as hard as I could but felt like I couldn't move in the sand. I was so happy when I finished and felt great. My goal was to be under 2 hours (I really thought I was going to get messed up by swimming in the ocean). I was ecstatic when I saw my time was 1:15:45. Not only was I way under the 2 hours but this was also a PR for me from my last tri where I got 1:19:43. I shaved off 4 minutes!! Not only that, later I found out I got 4th place in my age bracket (out of 42). Very excited. Then I found out that the person who got 3rd place only beat me by 11 seconds!! Can you believe that!?! 11 seconds! I'll get her next onto the next triathlon: July 12th in Sierra Vista, AZ.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Here we go...

We are just about to leave for my triathlon in Rocky Point, Mexico tomorrow. I am sad that Marlee and Spencer aren't doing it with me but hopefully we'll do the next one together. Am I nervous? Yes, I have trained as well as I can with my schedule but I don't feel like I have trained enough. Sooo here we go...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bag Tag

My friend Em tagged me with this cute Bag Tag. I finally found some time to do it! Here are the rules:
1. Show your purse
2. Show all the contents of your purse (no cleaning out first)

Well I actually have 2 bags, one for work and one for Carter. Since my work purse is the one that has my wallet in it at the moment I chose to show it.

Here's my work purse. I love it! Sean got it for me for my birthday last year. Before this I had an UGLY shoulder strap computer bag that was ripping at the seams. This looks like a purse but is also my computer bag! So here's what I have in it: (starting on the bottom left)

1. chargers for ear piece and phone
2. cd's with work materials on them for clients
3. carrying case with chapstick, lipstick, blemish control, and Burt's Bees Champagne colored Lip shimmer (love it!!)
4. gum
5. pen, pencil, highlighter
6. Atlas--I do lots of driving!
7. laptop charger
8. wallet
9. Family picture holder with pics of the fam (obviously)
10. Manilla folders (one for receipts, one for each client I am working with)
11. PLATO notepad
12. Jump Drive (my entire work life is on this thing--would be lost without it--if my laptop crashed)
13. Laptop (see note above---I would be lost without this thing)
14. business card holder
15. name tag (and yet even though I wear this throughout the training lots of people still call me Jennifer. weird.)
16. wireless ear piece for phone
17. phone car charger
18. ear piece for phone ( case my wireless one isn't charged, duh!)
19. Blackberry--well I just noticed this didn't make it in my picture somehow. But it was in there too--and again this is something else I would be lost without! I don't know how we ever lived without cell phones and without getting emails on your phone!!

Ok now I tag Kim C, Katie, and Marlee.