Monday, April 7, 2008

A plug for Lexmark

Yesterday our printer stopped working. I printed something on Saturday--no problem. Sean tried to print something on Sunday-wouldn't work. Paper jams every time. We bought it from Best Buy 3 months ago. I called them and they said there was nothing they could do. Of course. So I called Lexmark--ready to fight for my printer. I was literally shocked. The support guy asked me a few troubelshooting questions, none of which worked. He then asked for my address so they can send me a new one in 3-5 days. What?!? Are you serious? He then asked me to do a survey, of course I will, I am getting a printer replaced for free. How was the call on a scale of 1-5 he asks, a 1o of course! This is seriously unreal. I was really expecting to have to buy a new printer after only 3 months. Thanks Lexmark, I knew true Customer Service still existed out there somewhere!

P.S. This was my 100th Post! What a good post to be the 100th!!


Emily said...

neat, love stuff like that.

Em said...

Awesome! Love to hear that there's still a company out there interested in their customers' happiness.

christina said...

Congrats on your 100th!

Spencer and Marlee said...

Good job on the printer! Can you get Marlee and me a new printer as well?

Jeremy said...

Thanks for the post on my blog- good to hear from you. I'm in the market for a printer right now...