The last 2 months have been pretty busy for me with work. I have been getting up at 4:30am to make 3 hour drives to get to a school most days. It has been pretty exhausting. I have realized that it is the little things in life that are getting me through this stressful time.
*Sean always fills up my car with a full tank of gas after I go to bed so I don't have to do it in the morning. He never tells me he is going to do it--he just does it.
*Sean usually makes me a lunch after I go to bed so I don't have to do it in the morning. It has been so nice to open the fridge and be surprised to see my lunch already made for me!
*Getting home and having Carter run up to me and give me a big hug
*Sean cleaning the house
*Sean doing bathtime/bedtime so I can do some work and not have to stay up too late
*My mom and sister being so flexible with my schedule and watching Carter
*Getting to relax at least 1 hour a week and watch American Idol!
*Getting in the hot tub this weekend (I am already looking forward to it).
*Getting a pedicure with Nikki
*Carter saying, "pretty Mama" after I finished getting ready for a wedding last Saturday
*Going running with Carter when I get home from work
*Sleeping with new sheets, a new pillow, and a new comforter that we bought last night--love it (I'll post pictures of it after I finish repainting my bedroom wall).
*Two days off that I am taking at the end of the month just for the heck of it!!