Thursday, January 8, 2009

What did you do Today?

My day started out like any normal day: wake up, get ready for work, have breakfast with Carter, drive close to 2 hours to a school, give a presentation to 3rd graders. This is where it gets crazy! I decide to make a surprise visit to a teacher that I knew was having problems with our program earlier in the week. I walk into his room (which is full of 7th grade math students) and say hello. As he stands to greet me, he begins choking. I watch for a moment as he struggles to cough and get the food out of his mouth. I watch as his struggle turns to panic. He is no longer able to breath and cannot dislodge the food in his throat. His eyes got really big as he looked at me in a state of panic. He turned around and without thinking or saying anything, I wrap my arms around him and perform the Heimlich Maneuver! I do this a couple of times until the food is dislodged and he is able to breathe again. I then hit his back several times as he coughed to get the rest out. When he had recovered he left the room for a drink of water. I stood there in a state of shock until one of his students said, "did he just choke?"

I am still a little shocked that I performed the Heimlich Maneuver on someone today. I didn't even know I knew how to do it! The teacher jokingly said that this should be a journal writing experience. I figured he meant I should blog about it to the world!


Alicia said...

Woo hoo! GO Jessica. Nice reaction time. I bet he was grateful to have you there.

Unknown said...

Nice timing for you to arrive then. Good job. Welcome to the saved a life club!

Andrea J said...

Wow, I'm really glad you were able to help him, and that the heimlich comes so naturally to you :)

Natalie said...

Good job Jess. See all that first aid from girls camp came back to you. That is such an amazing thing to be able to do, way to save a life!!

Cami said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am always scared something like that will happen to me and I won't know what to do. That's awesome that you just happened to walk in at the right moment. Good for you!!

Sandi and Curtis said...

Obviously you were sent that at THAT moment!

Karin said...

That is scary! I'm glad it was a good ending

christina said...

Oh my gosh! I would have freaked! I'm glad you knew what to do, as I'm sure he did too!

trublubyu said...

wow. that would be really scary. good job.

Em said...

You rock! Way to go. I can't even imagine the panic.

Spencer and Marlee said...

WOW!! That is scary! GOOD JOB!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on saving a life!! You've got some ER nurse in you yet! (lol that's ER nurse talk for I'm proud of you!)

Emily said...

HOLY! I'm so impressed!

Val said...

Great job! Dude, you saved that guy's life!

russandkatie said...

what you couldn't find a picture of a female doing the heimlack to a male??? CRAZY!!!! I can't believe that happened!