Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

 Between the ward trunk or treat and trick or treating on Halloween, we are all set on candy! At our ward trunk or treat someone brought a bunch of animals in his truck and trailer (goats, ducks, bunnies, snakes!, etc) and was dressed up like Noah. The kids loved it, but I was not too excited watching Sean and Carter hold the snakes! Yikes. Wednesday night the neighbors  (heh. heh) came and sat outside with us to pass out candy to the 5 trick or treaters that came by. We had pizza and the kids had fun riding bikes around. 
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Andrea J said...

Cute shirt preggers!

christina said...

Happy Halloween. Love your costume! What does Sean's actually show? Couldn't tell on the pics...

Btw - your kids are cute!

Emily said...

So cute! I love that you have such nice neighbors. Heh.

Jessica said...

thanks! on his shirt is french fries, a soda, and a hamburger