Sunday, July 22, 2012

Girls Camp 2012


I went to Girls Camp as a leader this year for the first time. I haven't been to Camp LoMia since my last year in Girls Camp in high school. It was surreal driving up the road to Camp many memories! I LOVED going as a leader with the girls. The girls in my ward are seriously the best. I went on the canoe trip with the 4th year girls the day before girls camp and we had a blast! I was so grateful that Robin brought an air mattress for me. Sleeping in a tent while pregnant would not be my first priority but with an air mattress, it was great! We had lots of fun, did lots of bonding, shared our deepest darkest secrets, talked about boys, and strengthened our testimonies all within 3 days. It was great. It was made even more fun for me because half of my family was there and my niece Carley was a YCL. My sister Amy helped out at the last minute when we needed another leader in our cabin. It was so fun having her stay with us and getting crazy during our games! I can't wait for next year!
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1 comment:

Emily said...

awww, you're so fun. and PRETTY!