Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Just because she is so cute!!

Here is the poster I found waiting for me when I woke up this morning. I also received a much needed new purse and sunglasses. And a new hat. A delicious breakfast was made for me, church was crazy (we were sent home after Sacrament meeting due to no power in the building), I got to take a nap(!!!), and then my family came over for chips and salsa and homemade ice cream! Yum! Then we gave my mom her mother's day gift which was the jar of spaghetti sauce, shown in the picture. Do you see what it says?

December 3rd is the big day. 


Spencer and Marlee said...

Congrats! We are so excited!

Emily said...

Congratulations Jess! I didn't even notice it the first time I glanced at the picture. Very clever. If I hadn't had a miscarriage our babies would be due within 4 days of each other. That would've been neat. Happy Mother's Day!

christina said...

Wow and awesome - Congratulations to you guys!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Em said...

So exciting! Congrats, I hope you've been feeling well.

Andrea J said...

That's fantastic Mother's Day News! Congrats!