Thursday, August 18, 2011

11 months old

this little monkey is 11 months old. here's a little info about her:
*1 tooth
*taken 1 step
*sleeps through the night, mostly
*takes 2, 2 hour naps each day
*says mama and hi
*gives kisses, hugs, high fives, and claps
*misses her brother very much while he is at school :(
*climbs up the stairs and started coming down them backwards yesterday
*gets into EVERYTHING
*loves her mama


christina said...

she is the cutest, and i love her dress - especially the colors! glad you have a "mama's girl"!

Emily said...

She's looking so big! I love this post. Little girls are the greatest.

Noah went to his first day of preschool today and it was just me and Zoe for 3 hours. We had no idea what to do with each other, she was so bored.

How do you get your kids to go backwards down the stairs? After 3 kids, I've given up. They just won't do it. All 3 of them have been walking frontwards down the stairs since like 13 months. It's terrifying.

Jessica said...

em--I've just been sitting on the stairs with her everyday going backwards showing her how to do it and one day she did it--i was totally shocked!