Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Sean made me a delicious breakfast and surprised me with my favorite flowers. So pretty. Carter gave me the necklace and card he made me at school. He was so proud while I was reading his card...he is growing up way too fast, it made me cry! On the inside of his card was a questionnaire he answered about me. It is too cute not to share.

My mother's name is: Jessica
She is 20 years old
Her hair is blonde
Her dress size is 80
Her favorite color is yellow
Her favorite food is cauliflower
Her favorite TV show is Hannah Montana
Her favorite thing to do is lots of dishes
My favorite thing to do with my mom is help her feed my pets
My mom is special because she helps
Something my mom always says to me is can you help me clean up your toys?
Something that makes my mom happy is when I clean up my games
Something my mom does that makes me laugh is tickle
When my mom was a little girl she was big
When I am not home my mom, if it is my birthday-she would decorate
My mom is really good at playing the Toy Story match game
My mom and I are the same because we both have blonde hair
My mom and I are different because I came out of her tummy
I know my mom loves me because she says thank you for helping
My mom's favorite place to go is Arizona
What my mom likes most about my dad is he helps her move something outside or inside.

I'm so lucky to be this kid's mom and Charlotte's too of course! So grateful for my mom and Sean's mom. We're pretty lucky all the way around.


Jenny said...

those questionnaires are priceless ... what cute answers. happy mom's day, sounds like you had a great one!

christina said...

all were cute, but the best one was "came out of her tummy" - hilarious!

hope you had a happy mother's day!

Emily said...

OH man I love it when my kids fill that kind of thing out. Your dress size! 80! I'm dying. And 20 years old, so cute. Happy mother's day!

Jen said...

Yeah, I'm laughing so hard at "Her dress size is 80!" And I also love his perception of you and Sean.. sounds like all you guys do is clean and move stuff inside and outside! Hilarious! I caught myself feeling a little teary too.. He love you so much because you're such an awesome mom! Glad you had a happy Mother's day!

Unknown said...

love the mommy questionnaires!