How many questions can YOU get right?
1. Jessica once kissed her cousin
a. true
b. false
2. Jessica walked around at a school all day with what hanging out of her pants?
a. maxi pad
b. paper toilet seat cover
c. toilet paper
3. What positions did Jessica serve in HS student council?
a. secretary & treasurer
b. Pres & VP
c. VP & treasurer
4. What sport did Jessica make Varsity her freshman year?
a. volleyball
b. softball
c. basketball
5. How many siblings does Jessica have?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 6
6. In HS Jessica drove this car:
a. 1987 VW rabbit
b. 1995 Chevy Truck
c. 1981 BMW
7. Jess was pulled over by a cop at BYU because:
a. she was speeding
b. stereo was too loud
c. her taillight was out
8. Jess was asked to leave a hair salon because:
9. Her favorite movie is:
a. Pretty Woman
b. Pretty in Pink
c. ET
10. Jess peed her pants in first grade?
a. true
b. false