Thursday, August 13, 2009

Reason #5 why I need to live in the same location as my husband

I HATE crickets. Seriously hate them. I scream when they hop at me. Freaks me out. Sean once got me to eat a chocolate covered cricket when we were dating--they had them at Cold Stone. I about puked. He had to know then that this love of our was True love, right? But seriously, hate to kill crickets, and we get them at our house. Always have. No matter how much we have the bug man come, we still get crickets. I've been teaching Carter to kill them for me and throw them away. I know, I'm a good mom, teaching her son critical life skills.

Come home to the crickets, love. To kill them, not to eat them. Won't do that again, no matter how true the love is.


christina said...

hilarious. i bet carter actually loves to get them for you!

Emily said...

I used to get them in my house growing up, especially in my scary, dark, no-window bedroom. The sound of crickets chirping is a MAJOR anxiety-producer for me. HATE them. So glad Carter is brave enough for you.