Saturday, March 29, 2008

From Trash to Treasure...

We received these benches from some friends about 3 years ago. They have been in need of some work. Today I gave them their long awaited TLC and I am very happy with the outcome. I'm so glad I finally took the time to do this and get this project off my to do list!! This is a before picture of the little bench.
This is an after picture of the little bench.
This is a before picture of the big bench.
This is the after picture of the big bench.

Word Cloud

I got this from Cami's blog. It's pretty cool. It goes through your blog and pulls together the most commonly used words. The words that are the biggest are used the most. i think it's pretty fun to see the theme of your blog. You can make one too by clicking here. Let me know if you make one so I can check it out!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Our Easter Eggstravaganza

On Saturday our city hall put on a Spring Fling so we headed over there after our ward party. It was very fun. They had singing and dancing, a petting zoo, train rides, pony rides and lost of booths to look at. Carter LOVED the pony rides. He has ridden a horse before and was taught how to tell the horse to go faster. While on the pony ride he started clicking his mouth (telling the horse to go faster) but the lady in charge did not like that and asked him to stop telling the horse to go faster!!

Here we are at our ward Easter Egg Hunt.

Carter loved the cars, slippers, and bubbles that he found in his Easter basket.
Here we are before church.

Carter loved coloring the eggs.

Last of all, we had a nice dinner, Easter lesson, and egg hunt with all the cousins at Nana and Grandad's house. All the kids had so much fun finding the eggs.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Bedroom

We just finished redoing the main wall in our bedroom and I love it! We got new bedding and the new bedding did not match the old decor on the wall, so we had to change the wall to match the bedding. I don't have a true before picture but you can kinda see what part of the wall looked like in this picture. The bottom half of the wall had navy blue and beige striped material on it and then there was a chair rail and the top half of the wall was a navy blue. Our comforter got ruined in the wash somehow, so it was time for a change. I spent quite awhile taking the material down and the padding that was behind it. But it was all worth it! Now onto my next few projects:

*sand/stain the picnic table
*organize Carter's room (we just moved in a new piece of furniture)
*sand/stain the hammock
*sand/stain the benches
*organize my closet
*paint and hang cupboards in laundry room
*paint laundry room

That should keep me busy for awhile.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Forsberg Grandkids


Sean was one of the groosman at his friend's Billy's weeding. Sean and Billy went to High School together. It was a beautiful day here in Phoenix for a wedding. Billy and Nicole got married at a country club. While taking pictures on the golf course the sprinklers came on and they had to book it off the grass! Can you imagine!?!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Pemily!!!

Emily and I met 10 years ago at S-hole (BYU dorm) during the summer before our freshman year and she quickly became one of my best friends. I remember first walking into Emily's dorm room to meet her and thinking 2 things: 1. Man this girl likes Disney--especially Hercules (she had TONS of Disney movies and the Hercules figurines--she even put the song "Zero to Hero" on her dorm room answering machine!) and 2. This girl is funny. We lived together for our freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She then decided to leave me and get married our senior year! I have lots of great memories of our college years together (such as the word of the day on her answering machine or the question of the day and she wouldn't call you back unless you got it right! And staying up super late at the Den of Iniquity watching MTV all night long with Steve Ranson sleeping on her lap! Speaking of Steve--what about our "trophy?" We had a fancy red pair of underwear--the "trophy" that whoever did something out of the ordinary would own the trophy until the other one could try and get it back. Emily got it by kissing Steve at the park!) and am so glad that we are still best friends! (But I do wish we lived closer together.) So here's to you Emily on your special day---a look back at some of my favorite memories from our college days.

Hanging out in the entry way of our dorm room with Brian and Andrea. We had just finished listening to Brian play all of his funny songs on his guitar. In the top picture (sorry Em you got cut out--I am out of town right now so the scanning jobs are not the best) we were on our way to the Corn Maze in the back of Brian's van. Em and I got lost in the maze and got very scared!

Our trip to Idaho for Parker's farewell. It was so cold and Val's car got stuck in the snow--we all had to push it in our pajamas!

Gunlock trips!! Need I say more?? Well, there was "provacative pool" that we played at Gunlock. I like the pose Em---no we're not weird at all.

One thing that quickly sealed our friendship was our love of Days of Our Lives. Here we are in the bottom right picture in character as "Susan." Am I really sticking a fork/knife up to your neck in the other picture?

Who can forget Halloween time? Em made an awesome "Trinity" from the "Matrix"

Our Junior year we had a very crappy apartment but it was obviously meant to be as this is where she met Dave. We had a condo lined up to live in but after Ellen (Em's sister) lived there during the summer she told us to get out of our contracts!) This was a few weeks before the fall semester was to start. We scrambled to find a place to live that has 2 openings together. Alpine Court it was. Although the apartment was cramped we got very lucky with two great roommates and of course Dave. This is also the apartment where Em got her first puppy that slept (and peed) in my bed (we had bunkbeds that were really high--it was always so funny to watch Em climb into the top bunk at night and jump down in the morning--surprised she didn't sustain an injury from it!) Remember our fun Easter dinner where we ate on the patio? So fun.

Our senior year Em was married but we still got to see each other every once in awhile--usually at the Funk Factory. We had a girls night out to see Britney Spear's movie--"Crossroads!"

Em--I'm so glad we met our first days at BYU--my college experience would not have been the same without you. Thanks for the late night talks, bag-pipe dates, Algebra class, the trips to Food City, the dances and clubs, getting me to go tanning our sophomore year (dang we looked good tan!), your great stories (that's why you are a.k.a the Storyteller!) and all the many other memories. Love ya!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The little things

The last 2 months have been pretty busy for me with work. I have been getting up at 4:30am to make 3 hour drives to get to a school most days. It has been pretty exhausting. I have realized that it is the little things in life that are getting me through this stressful time.

*Sean always fills up my car with a full tank of gas after I go to bed so I don't have to do it in the morning. He never tells me he is going to do it--he just does it.
*Sean usually makes me a lunch after I go to bed so I don't have to do it in the morning. It has been so nice to open the fridge and be surprised to see my lunch already made for me!
*Getting home and having Carter run up to me and give me a big hug
*Sean cleaning the house
*Sean doing bathtime/bedtime so I can do some work and not have to stay up too late
*My mom and sister being so flexible with my schedule and watching Carter
*Getting to relax at least 1 hour a week and watch American Idol!
*Getting in the hot tub this weekend (I am already looking forward to it).
*Getting a pedicure with Nikki
*Carter saying, "pretty Mama" after I finished getting ready for a wedding last Saturday
*Going running with Carter when I get home from work
*Sleeping with new sheets, a new pillow, and a new comforter that we bought last night--love it (I'll post pictures of it after I finish repainting my bedroom wall).
*Two days off that I am taking at the end of the month just for the heck of it!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Say cheese(ball)!

The picture above has always been Carter's normal smile.

But for some reason today Carter started smiling like this. He is purposely showing his teeth. Funny kid.

A Book Tag

Emily tagged me with this book tag. Here are the rules:

Grab the book nearest you.
Go to page 123.
Go to the 5th sentence on the page.
Type in the following 3 sentences

Well, Emily already stole mine because really the closest book to me is the Book of Mormon. So I will grab my next closest book. "What to Expect the Toddler Years." 

"Children need to be allowed to make some mistakes, and to learn from these mistakes. If you make it impossible for your child to get into trouble (stashing away all the kinckknacks, for instance), you won't have to say "no" as often, but you'll also miss out on important opportunities to teach. Be flexible, leave room for errors your child can learn from, but not when safety is an issue." 

Good advice, eh? 

Now I tag Andrea, Marlee, and Katie!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brain Teaser

We got this in Sunday School today. Can you figure out what they mean?

1.  26=L. of the A.
2.  7=W. of W.
3.  9=P. in the S.S.
4.  88=P.K.
5.  32=D.F. at which W. F.
6.  90=D. in a R. A.
7.  24=H. in a D.
8. 18=H. on a G.C.
9.  13=S. on the A.F