Thursday, August 18, 2011

11 months old

this little monkey is 11 months old. here's a little info about her:
*1 tooth
*taken 1 step
*sleeps through the night, mostly
*takes 2, 2 hour naps each day
*says mama and hi
*gives kisses, hugs, high fives, and claps
*misses her brother very much while he is at school :(
*climbs up the stairs and started coming down them backwards yesterday
*gets into EVERYTHING
*loves her mama

Monday, August 15, 2011

First day of Kindergarten

I can't believe summer is over and it's time for school! Where does the time go? Carter woke up early today and was so excited for school. He wanted to get ready and go! I shed a few tears as he walked into his classroom after the bell rang. Love that kid. He and his cousin Tyler are in the same class.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Family Vacation

Seriously, every picture of Char is her eating sand. But look how happy she is!?!

We stayed at a resort outside of San Diego with my family for a week. We went to the beach, went to Sea World, went to the San Clemente Pier, played games, went to the Mormon Battalion Museum and had a blast!!! Char ate a TON of sand, but she was happy! Carter loved the boogie board and I enjoyed getting some sun!

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