Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Texting Etiquette

Did you know that over 79 million people text on a regular basis? (TMOT) I am one of those people. I love to text. Sometimes my brother Spencer and I will have full conversations through text without ever talking F2F. Weird? I think not. Maybe if we never talked on the phone it would be considered weird, but we text and talk on a regular basis. Spencer is really the one who started me on the whole texting craze. I somehow missed the generation of texting. Spencer was texting over 1000 texts a month a couple of years ago and that really seemed to spark my interest in texting. If he was doing it so much, why couldn't I? After all, my work pays for my phone; I didn't even know if I had a texting limit. (FRT) So my texting began. At first I only sent texts to Spencer and Sean. Then that slowly grew to sending texts to the rest of my family (not my mom yet though--still working on that one). Now the list has grown. I text friends, clients, coworkers, my mother and father-n-law, the girls I visit teach, and more. But last week, I text (text or texted? that's a whole other post) my friend Emily and after not having a response for awhile I called her to see what the deal was. She told me that this was her first text and she didn't know how to do it. I was pretty shocked! And then I read this on my friend Val's blog. So for all you NT (non-texters) or TIL (texters in learning) I am doing a special post on texting. Did you know there is actual texting etiquette? Apparently you shouldn't call someone if he/she has not responded to your text (sorry Em!) And there is a whole dictionary for texting lingo--when I found that out I LSHMBH. Look it up if you don't understand the lingo!
* Thirty-five percent of young adults say they've read or sent an e-mail or text message under the dinner table during a holiday family gathering.
*11 percent of Americans say breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend via text message is okay
*Twenty-eight percent have used text messaging to avoid long conversations
*59 percent of active daters use text messaging to communicate with their dates


Friday, January 25, 2008


This video of Carter has had 464 views in the last 4 months. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dan & Stefani love Sean too...

Check out their post for Sean's birthday here.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

30 Reasons Why I love Sean

In no particular order...
1. He is a great dad
2. He makes me laugh
3. He kisses me goodnight every night
4. He is passionate about things he believes in
5. He says what he is thinking
6. He is a great uncle
7. He's the best husband I have ever had!
8. He knows my strengths and weaknesses and still loves me
9. He cares about my scrapbooking (or he pretends to anyways!)
10. He gives good massages
11. He's a good entertainer
12. He supports me in my hobbies
13. He studies hard in school
14. He's dedicated
15. He's a hard worker
16. He's very handy (you should see our backyard!)
17. He buys me treats every now and then just because he thought of me when he saw it and he thinks I'll like it (he just bought me a way cute shirt this week just because!)
18. He's a problem solver
19. He cares about what others think
20. He is an excellent cook
21. He gets me the "right" kind of gummy bears for my road trips
22. He's a big kid at heart!
23. He picks up after himself (most of the time!)
24. He always has good stories
25. He has a strong testimony of the gospel
26. He gives Carter baths at night when I am tired from work
27. He gets up during the night with Carter
28. He gets pedicures with me (even though he secretly likes them)
29. He buys my favorite kind of ice cream even though he doesn't really like it
30. He makes me strive to be a better person
Happy 30th Birthday Sean. I love you! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Underage Driving?

Lately when coming home from picking up Carter on my way home from work, Carter has wanted to stay in the car to play. So I have been closing the garage but letting him stay in the car while I bring everything in. Tonight was no exception. I was unloading a pile of stuff on the kitchen counter when all of a sudden I heard the car start!! I swear I almost had a heart attack. I ran out into the garage and quickly removed Carter's hand from the gear shift and took the keys out of the ignition. That's right folks, my 21 month old son picked the keys up off the front seat and started the car!! Did I mention he is not even 2 yet? How could he possibly know how to start the car!?! And apparently he was pretty proud of himself judging from the smile on his face. 

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Sleepless Mom in need

Carter is a kid who likes to have a regular schedule and routine. When ever he gets out of his routine--from traveling or the holidays or whatever, it takes me about a week to get him back on schedule. This past month has been crazy, with Christmas and then going to Sierra Vista, and New Year's, everything has been way off schedule. Well it has been almost 3 weeks and we can't seem to get him back on schedule. His naps are on schedule but he is waking up during this night almost every night. It's hard working (presenting in front of people) after being up during the night with your child. Sean and I usually rotate nights but he is going back to school next week so he is going to be extra tired too. Does anyone have any tricks for getting their 2 year old (almost 2 anyways) back into a regular sleeping pattern? I don't know how many more nights I can keep this up!

Update: Carter has slept through the night for the last 3 nights! Let's hope he keeps this up!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sierra Vista

We recently went to Sierra Vista to help my brother Spencer put his sprinkler system in. Ok-I didn't help just Sean. But I did get some great scapbook pages done! One of the highlights of the trip (besides spending time with Spencer and Marlee of course!) was the horseback riding. Marlee's dad took us on almost a 2 hour ride. It was so much fun. Her dad held Carter the whole time and he did great. He was saying, "whoa, "Horse," and was copying the noise Marlee's dad made to make the horse go. It was so fun and so nice of her dad to take us and to ride with Carter the whole time. It wasn't so funny when Sean, who was right next to me, yelled "yaaw" and my horse was the one who took off!!!

Here's Carter helping with the sprinklers.

I don't know why Carter is lying under the truck? Where's his mom at?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy (late) Birthday Daniel Mart!

Ok--so we feel TERRIBLE that we forgot good ol' Dan's birthday. So we are doing a special post for him to show him how much we love him (even though we really are still made at him for moving to Colorado!) So here's to you Danny Boy. We hope you had a great day in cold cold crappy Colorado!! And we hope this makes up for us missing your big day and you can get over it already!!!